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'If you are going to be an artist, you must be ashamed of nothing but to be ashamed.'

Welcome to the George Moore Association


Dedicated to the study of Moore's life and works


As a writer, Moore was a transitional, boundary-crossing figure


  • From the 19th to the 20th century

  • Across Ireland, France, and the UK

  • From naturalism to modernism

  • From the novel to precursors of 'personal nonfiction'

  • From sole authorship to collaborative forms of social authorship

  • From hetero to polyvalent sexualities


There's more, much more

to learn about George Moore...


Manet, George Moore (Metroolitan Museum






Dr Pierre Joannan, a good friend to the George Moore community,  has recently published Graham Greene, Ireland and the Honorary Consul (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2024.  Dr Joannan’s insider knowledge and  reminiscences provide several significant additions to the knowledge of Greene's beliefs, experiences and involvements, including several with Ireland and eminent Irish figures such as Ernie O'Malley, Seán O'Faoláin, Conor Cruise O'Brien and Gerry Fitt.  This newly-published book provides an opportunity for scholars to enrich their approach to the  Greene oeuvre. 


Graham Greene cover_edited_edited_edited









12th International George Moore Conference.



The Transitional: George Moore at the Fin de Siecle ​​



See '12th Conference and Hugh Lane Seminar' page for a selection of photos from the Liverpool conference on 8th to 12th May last.  








George Moore  In Dublin. 


24th February was George Moore’s birthday and we celebrated in a big way on 23rd when we held the George Moore Day at the Hugh Lane Gallery in Dublin. This was a most enjoyable day when GM’s connections with Dublin featured, especially his links with people, with art generally, and with art connected to the gallery, as also with music,  and creative life in the city during his sojourn in Ely Place.  The event was fully booked but additional chairs were added to allow extra attendance for the talks and for a wonderful live piano recital by the renowned Una Hunt in the gallery’s very elegant surroundings.  The GMA is most grateful to Dr O’Donnell and the gallery for the opportunity to highlight the artistic riches of a time, a place, and an author. Some pictures and reportage (including the day’s programme) on '12th Conference and Hugh Lane Seminar' page. 












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