How it started, with many acknowledgements:
Early antagonism in Ireland to George Moore, (a recusant Catholic & philosophically anti-nationalist), gave way to distinguished gatherings of Moore scholars, held in Claremorris & Carnacun in the 1990s. Thomas Kilroy and Anthony Cronin were among the contributors; the organisers were Patricia Noone and Art O'Shaughnessy. Ireland was coming around to Moore.
Elizabeth Grubgeld's serious analysis of Moore as an autobiographer, and Adrian Frazier's ensuing biography in 2000, George Moore 1852-1933, marked a renewal of interest world-wide. George Moore had obviously been culturally significant in France, England and Ireland between 1880 and 1930, and remains of lively contemporary interest.
A series of international conferences followed, starting with one led by Mary Pierse at University College Cork in 2005, where Lucy McDiarmid and Munira Mutran gave notable talks. Next came conferences hosted by Moore scholars in Hull, Lille, Galway (twice), Almeria (twice), Paris, London and Dublin. (Note the deepening scholarly interest in Moore in France, led by Michel Brunet, Fabienne Dabrigeon-Garcier, Christine Huguet, and Fabienne Gaspari.)
The joint labours of Mark Llewellyn and Ann Heilmann, particularly in their five-volume edition of the short fiction, gave a push to Moore studies in the UK, followed up by Stoddard Martin of the English Institute and Conor Montague of City Lit.
With recognition of the shared Mayo ancestry of Moore and Princess Grace, the invitation to hold the 2015 event at the Princess Grace Irish Library in Monaco was a distinct honour. The tenth (and very pleasurable) conference in 2019 was the second hosted in Almeria, Spain, by Maria Elena Jaime de Pablos. Limerick is next; Hungary and Japan may follow.
Readers & scholars of Moore from Japan, USA, Israel, Germany, France, Spain, Hungary, Italy, UK and Ireland approved the formalisation of The George Moore Association in 2018. The current trustees of this charitable institution are Mary Pierse, Kathryn Laing and Maggie Breslin.
The Association fosters the study of Moore’s writings in its multiple connections to literature, art, history, folklore, and music. It seeks philanthropic and governmental funding to continue to help young scholars, to foster literary tourism, and to assist with publications in various media. Please join, please donate.
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